Yeoman is a way to quickly get an app up and running “without any of the narmal headaches associated with a manual setup.” It provides “a generator ecosystem”, using the ‘yo’ command.

From their site, “The Yeoman workflow is comprised of three types of tools for improving your productivity and satisfaction when building a web app: the scaffolding tool (yo), the build tool (Grunt, Gulp, etc) and the package manager (like Bower and npm).”

Yeoman has a good tutorial so I’m not going to try to copy it here.

Yeoman workflow

  1. Use a generator to scaffold the web app. For example, after making and changing to the project direcory, run a generator:

     $ yo webapp

    Webapp is considered the simplest generator. There are more generators. You can create your own or use angular:

     $ yo angular

    Angular generator creates the directory structure and generates some boilerplate directives and controllers. You can also use subgenerators:

     $ yo angular:controller myController
     $ yo angular:directive myDirective
     $ yo angular:filter myFilter
     $ yo angular:service myService
  2. Bower is a package manager for any dependencies in your project, such as JavaScript, CSS, and images. The basic commands are as follows:

     $ bower search <dep>
     $ bower install <dep 1>...<dep n>
     $ bower list
     $ bower update <dep>

    Using yo in combination with bower typically goes like this:

     $ yo webapp
     $ bower search jquery-pjax
     $ bower install jquery-pjax --save
     $ grunt wiredep  # inject deps into index.html file

    The --save option in bower install updates the bower.json file with the new dependencies. Otherwise you have to manually add it later.

  3. Grunt is a task-based tool that exposes lots of useful commands for JavaScript projects. Such as these:

    • Preview an app you’ve generated

      $ grunt serve
    • Run the unit test for an app

      $ grunt test
    • build a production-ready (optimized) version of the app

      $ grunt

Making a web app

In case you forget the commands, you can run yo in interactive mode if you give no args.

$ yo angular

This sets up the following structure:

  • app: parent directory for application
    • index.html
    • 404.html, favicon.ico, robots.txt
    • scripts
      • app.js: main Angular application code
      • controllers: Angular controllers
    • styles: CSS files
    • views: Angular templates
    • bower_components, bower.json: JS/web deps installed by Bower
    • Gruntfile.js, package.json, node_modes: configs and deps required by Grunt tasks
    • test: test boilerplate